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Best I've Come Across Round-up: The Historical Fiction Edition IV

You may be wondering why this post looks a bit different today. Regular readers know that I'm pretty good at finding writing resources, tips, and fun stuff and passing them along to my followers on social media, and every couple of weeks I compile the best of what I come across in a recap post for this blog. But this edition is special! It has a theme near and dear to my heart: Historical fiction! Historical fiction is one of the most difficult genres to write, yet guidance can be hard to come by. Browse through the writing section of your favorite bookseller and you'll find dozens of titles on writing romance, mystery, sci-fi, memoirs--but you're lucky if you find one title on writing historical fiction. So when I come across a good resource online, I save it, and I've been earmarking my historical fiction finds for a post just like this! Without further ado, here they are:

Engagement Not Promotion: How Historical Novelists Can Be a Gateway to the Past

Because It Happened: How Not to Write Historical Fiction

6 Keys to Writing a Compelling Historical Novel

Sex and the Historical Fiction Author

How to Write Time-Travel Historical Fiction

What's the Future of Historical Fiction?

Historical Perspective: Appealing to Modern Readers